Headache is a kind of pain in the head or upper neck and other areas like eyes,ears and behind the head. Everyone suffered with different kind of headache pains. Some headaches arise through mild frustration, stress, unhappiness, anger these are go away with the rest or painkillers. Tension is major reason of headache. The main types of headache is tension headaches, migraine and cluster headaches.
Tension headaches :-
The symptoms of tension headaches produce pain in the area of head, neck and back of the head sometimes by muscle tightness in back of neck. More than 70% people are suffered with this problem. This is for a short time if take medications at time.
This is mostly in adult and teenage. The reason of tension headache are:-
Migraine headaches :-
The symptoms of migraine headaches are feeling pain only on one side or both sides of the head. In this type of headaches feel pain in brain and also involved others parts of body. Pain accompanied by sickness in stomach, vomiting and visual disturbances. More women are suffered than men. Migraine headaches have another types like migraine with aura, migraine without aura and abdominal migraine. The reason of migraine headache.
Cluster headaches :-
This type of headache are very painful than migraine headaches also known as suicide headaches. This is most common in men The symptoms of Cluster are pain in one side of the head, eye pain, mild fever, weight loss, sudden headaches,
white cells increase in blood.
Tension headaches :-
The symptoms of tension headaches produce pain in the area of head, neck and back of the head sometimes by muscle tightness in back of neck. More than 70% people are suffered with this problem. This is for a short time if take medications at time.
This is mostly in adult and teenage. The reason of tension headache are:-
- Stress
- Weakness
- Poor condition
- Colds and Flu
- Pain in eyes
- More uses of tobacco and alcohol
- Tiredness
Migraine headaches :-
The symptoms of migraine headaches are feeling pain only on one side or both sides of the head. In this type of headaches feel pain in brain and also involved others parts of body. Pain accompanied by sickness in stomach, vomiting and visual disturbances. More women are suffered than men. Migraine headaches have another types like migraine with aura, migraine without aura and abdominal migraine. The reason of migraine headache.
- Family history of migraine
- Lack Of sleep
- Uses of alcohol
- Foods like coffee, chocolate, hot dogs
- Stress
- Perfume
Cluster headaches :-
This type of headache are very painful than migraine headaches also known as suicide headaches. This is most common in men The symptoms of Cluster are pain in one side of the head, eye pain, mild fever, weight loss, sudden headaches,
white cells increase in blood.
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