Tuesday, 17 April 2018

Acupuncture Treatments for Acne

Acne consists of blackheads and papules in the skin called comedomes. They may appear on the nose, face, neck, throat, jaw, shoulders, chest and back; and they can be of varying intensity. Many people think of acne as "one of those teenage things that will pass" but in reality acne can be a serious condition. Infections can develop and spread. Even after the lesions have healed, the skin may be red or purple, taking months to fade to normal color. Severe lesions can leave lifelong scarring and pitting. Some people develop feelings of inferiority, depression and other emotional issues as a result of their appearance and real physical pain involved.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine there 9 different patterns of acne that are based on Heat, Damp, Toxins, Deficiency and Phlegm and the constitutional patterns that cause them. The area that is broken out is important diagnostic information, because it indicates which channel is affected by the Heat or Damp, etc. The timing and frequency of outbreaks is also of importance. They may be related to stress or body cycles. (Yes, males have cycles, too.) Foods contribute to acne in an indirect way, that is, by their contribution to the pathologies of Heat, Dampness, Phlegm, Toxicity or Wind. That is why chocolate, sugar and other suspect foods don't affect everyone in the same way. Not all acne comes from the same source.

Treatments may consist of: needling that would include points on the body for the constitutional condition and in severe cases, it would include scar therapy. It might include oral herbal formulas, topical herbal formulas, cupping, auriculotherapy (tiny needles in the ears), and diet. A treatment program would reflect the channels involved, the pathology involved (Heat, Damp, Wind) and the zang-fu organs involved and local areas. It is very important to address the root cause in order to achieve a stable and long-lasting result.

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