Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Facts about Laser Hair Removal

These days thousands of people have been using Laser Hair Removal in order to get rid of their unwanted hairs. Because when ever people look for a solution for their hair removals, Laser Hair Removal could be the best choice for all of them. When we talk about removing hairs through laser, the laser light converts to heat and then entered through skin. In the next step the actual heat may starts absorbing by hairs. Then finally the heat can damage hairs follicle and restrict them all not to grow.

Avoid the Sun before you actually go for a Laser Treatment

Just in case you are a big fan of an outdoor or might be due to the fact your job demands it to be in and out most of the times throughout the daylight, then summer may not be the best time for you to start the laser hair removal treatment. So it is highly recommended that people who are interested in laser hair removal treatment must start this in winter or maybe in fall.

Shave your skin before you get the laser treatment

One should keep this in mind that this is not a simple waxing where you probably need not to shave before the treatment. Here you need not to come in with hairs you must have to shave that particular area before you wanted to treat it as laser hair removal. Another important fact you also need not to have a proper waxing in order to get rid of those hairs as well. As we discussed earlier the laser light always looks for the pigment of hair follicle, so the actual follicle needs to be there in order to proceed with an effective laser treatment. Shaving an exactly one day before you are going for your appointment with laser specialist is the best way to go.

Get attest patch on your skin first

One of the most important myths about laser hair removal is that it is not necessary that everyone can get the same good results after getting laser treatment. And also it depends on a person’s skin how well his/her skin reacts to the treatment. That’s may be the top reason why you should always have a test patch on your skin before you actually ready for the laser hair removal.

Frequent visits for Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal is a process and it always needs more than one session in order to get the best possible results when it comes to remove unwanted hairs. This is certainly not a magical thing, one should have to visit at least 5 – 6 times to his/her specialists for frequent laser hair removal sessions by then we can expect those phenomenal results. This is just because if you are consistent enough getting your sessions on regular basis then after at least three months time you will feel the dramatic fall in your unwanted hairs. Only few sessions will never be enough if you really want to see good results.

Avoid plucking and waxing after laser treatment

Once you are done with your laser hair removal treatment you must not to go for waxing and need not to pluck any of the follicles. You can certainly shave those unwanted hairs but never pluck or wax these hairs right after your laser treatment.

Avoid perfumes and also say NO to deodorants

It is highly recommended that one should avoid sharp perfumes and body deodorants for at least two to three days when you had your laser treatment done.

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