Monday, 18 June 2018

Most common reasons for hair loss in women

Currently one in every five women experience hair thinning and high chances of future hair lost, in women usual explanation for hair loss could be related in most cases to pregnancy, bad nutrition, stress, anxiety, specific medications taken, physical disorders and depression.

Many women notice significant hair loss about three months after giving birth. This hair loss can be related to specific hormone levels. During pregnancy, high levels of certain hormones cause the body to maintain hair that would normally fall. When hormones return to pre-pregnancy levels, hair falls out and then normal hair growth cycle starts all over again as well as regular hair fall cycle.

Hair growth cycle has three different phases: anagen phase, phase in which hair cells’ growth occur and rapidly proliferate, the hair stem grows in diameter and reaches its maximum hair length, catagen phase or transition phase in which hair stops growing and finally telogen phase, resting or “off” stage in which activity in hair follicles is renewed.

If you notice hair loss is worsening day by day you could try the following remedy to reduce hair loss.

Using fish liver oil give a thorough massage to your scalp in a circular motion at least once a week preferably at night time so you let it rest overnight washing it off the following morning. Fish liver oil contains nutrients that will help stimulate hair growth as well as providing nutrients for your hair to be stronger and to look shiny and healthy.

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