Wednesday, 20 June 2018

Foods to prevent hair loss and to promote hair growth

Millions around the world are suffering from hair loss and the subsequent emotional stress that comes out of it. Genetics, chemical hair products, nutrition deficiency, side effects of some medications are said to be the common causes for hair loss. Although medical drugs, massage treatments, quality hair products helps to prevent or defer hair loss process, but there are some preventive measures that can be taken from home via proper food intake. Here is a list of foods that we intake daily which promote hair growth and prevent hair loss.

Protein: – Take adequate protein content through the foods which are rich in that source. Lentils, soy, yogurt should be taken daily for the proper supply of protein to the hair follicle.

Iron: – Add as much as green vegetables in your diet. Dark green vegetables contain iron which is a-must-needed nutrient to prevent hair loss.

Zinc: – For healthy hair zinc rich whole grains should be added in any form especially the main course food such as bread and rice. You can have a soft hair and have normal non-oily skin when proper zinc intake is guaranteed.

Essential Fats: – fish especially which are found near the cold arctic and cold Antarctic Circle has immense essential fatty acid which controls bad cholesterol and increase the oxygen supply through arteries. This enters the follicle thus strengthening the hair root.

Nuts and seeds: – vitamin E is rich in nuts and seeds which should be taken in moderate to supply the essential nutrient for hair growth.

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